Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My last morning in Guatemala

Yesterday morning, before I boarded an airplane bound for Oregon, I hiked (quickly) up to the ecological park one last time.  Upon setting out while it was still dark, I realized I could get a great shot of the sunrise.  Lastimosamente, I arrived at the top about 15 minutes too late.  However, I could still take this great photo of the sun coming up over Lake Amatitlan with the Pacaya volcano off to one side:
So ends my time in Guatemala.  I made many great friends and had many adventures, some great, and some not so great.  I'm looking forward to the day when I will go back to visit.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Finishing Touches on the Community Center

Just in time for my exit from Guatemala.  I leave December 12.
 After a long wait for our glass to arrive, we were finally able to finish the solar water heater.  The normal-looking tank water heater off to the side is just the cheapest way to get an insulated water tank (it's not hooked up to power).  I already scalded my hands with the water from it.
One of the freshly-tiled showers that get to use this hot water.
 In November, we had a team of adults here.  Among them was a group who did this wonderful tiling.  Here is our mop sink, complete with a mop.